The JewJu Blog
What’s a Jew to Do at Christmas?
This is what we often do during Christmas. Gather together, order in Chinese food and take in a few movies.
A Few Spins on the Dreidel
When we think of Chanukah, first is the Menorah or Chanukiah, then the food – maybe sufganiyot or latkes - then the dreidel, or sevivon.
I read First and Second Maccabees so you don’t have to (but you should)
Here’s what I found from reading First and Second Maccabees.
Chanukah: A Holiday with No Holy Texts
Chanukah – the one holiday tied to actual historical events – is the only one whose story didn’t make it into Tanach.
How do you spell Chanukah?
There’s only one way to spell Chanukah in Hebrew, but English is another story.
So how minor is Chanukah, really?
Last blog, we began to question whether Chanukah is truly a minor holiday. We continue with a look at the laws and how importance changes over time.
Is Chanukah really a minor holiday?
How often have you heard this: “Chanukah’s really a minor holiday. We only make a big deal because it’s so close to Christmas, so we don’t feel left out.” Or, “It’s only in the 20th Century in North America that Chanukah became a big deal.” The truth is more nuanced than that.
The Lights of Chanukah
Some answers - and questions - about lighting the Chanukah candles.
We have a little dreidel tradition
We have a little Chanukah tradition in our family that started with our youngest son, who is turning 19 soon.